We Are The Leading Global Nonprofit Resource for Women

We identify real barriers to entry for women entering or returning to the workforce and offer practical ways to break them down. Attire is just one of the solutions.

  • Workforce Development

    We offer physical and digital space for a variety of levels of support including professional workshops.

  • Career Center

    A fully equipped business center for clients to use on their own and/or to meet with business professionals for job search support.

  • Career Wardrobe

    Interview and Employment Suiting: Complete interview outfits, including shoes and accessories, and working wardrobe, up to five outfits, when she gets a job.

  • Employee Retention

    Success is not only about landing a job. It’s about building a career and achieving your professional & personal goals.

What Clients Are Saying

“Gave me the confidence to pursue career goals and encourage other women to do the same.”

“Gave me skills and tools to find and thrive in a job.”

“Not only did they help me prep for my interview, provide me with clothing to wear to it, and help me feel confident about what I could bring to the company, they continued to support me after I found work!”